Monday 28 May 2012

William Wyler Blogathon

The Movie Projector is hosting a blogathon June 24-29, 2012, honoring William Wyler, one of the great directors of Hollywood's studio era. Twenty-five bloggers, many of them members of the Classic Movie Blog Association, will be writing on the major films of Wyler's forty-five year long career. For details and a complete schedule of the blogathon, click here to visit the William Wyler Blogathon page at The Movie Projector.

Queer Film Blogathon

The second annual Queer Film Blogathon, hosted by Garbo Laughs, will be held June 18-22, 2012. It will celebrate lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, or otherwise non-heterosexual, non-gender-binary depictions or personages in film. It's open all film bloggers regardless of era or area of focus. For more info, click here to view details at Garbo Laughs.

Friday 4 May 2012

The First Ever Horseathon is Here!

The Horseathon, hosted by Page at My Love of Old Hollywood will run from May 25-28. If  you haven't signed up for it, would like more details about it just click here. The deadline for signing up is May 10th.
We hope to see you there!