Sunday, 5 October 2014

CMBA Fall Blogathon Forgotten Stars: Participation List

Our CMBA fall blogathon is here and we do hope you'll join us as we celebrate Forgotten Stars from October 27th to the 31st. Here is a list of participants and the days their posts will be arriving!

Monday, Oct. 27th

Tuesday, Oct. 28th

Wednesday, Oct. 29th
Thursday, Oct. 30th

Friday, Oct. 31st.

Friday, 29 August 2014

It's Almost Time For A CMBA Blogathon!

The CMBA Blogathon: Forgotten Stars 

CMBA members will turn the spotlight on Hollywood's forgotten stars. You know the ones: yesterday they were at the top of the heap and today they are barely remembered.  The event will run from October 27-31 and we do hope you'll join us.

If you haven't yet signed on for the Blogathon and you would like more details email  with CMBA Blogathon in the title by October 3rd.

We hope you'll add a banner to promote the event and stay tuned for the full list of participants.

Monday, 21 July 2014

The Build-Your-Own Blogathon Starts August 4th!

For its final 2014 blogathon, The Classic Film & TV Café wanted to do something different. So, this blogathon was "built" by the participating bloggers over the last month. During a span of 20 days, 20 bloggers will write about 20 classic movies. Each movie will somehow be connected to the next--but the connections will vary. The films may be connected by be an actor, director, theme, location, etc. Each participant selected the blogger that follows them--well, except for The Blonde at the Film (who holds the distinction of closing out the blogathon). The fun starts on August 4th! You can view the complete blogathon schedule here.

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

More Blogathons! Coming in June...


Spy movies, we can't get enough of them! Well, here is your chance to cover your favorite spy movie made in or before 1970!

Funny spies, sexy spies, action spies, brooding spies... If they snoop, we want 'em! 

Movies Silently will be hosting the Snoopathon June 1 - 3. The event is open to CMBA members and non-members alike. You can find more details here.

1967 IN FILM, JUNE 20 – 22 

Far out! Silver Screenings has teamed up with The Rosebud Cinema to host a blogathon that looks at the year 1967 in film.

1967 was a watershed year in Hollywood. Some regard it as the start of unprecedented creativity in American cinema; others regard it as the era of self-indulgent filmmaking. Regardless, it is a year worth examining. Hollywood would not be the same after 1967.

The 1967 in Film blogathon runs June 20-22, and topics can be as varied as the films released that year. You may review a movie, discuss an influential director or explore new expressions in cinematography. We’re not placing restrictions on topics, and are accepting duplicates. (For example, if three people choose to review The Graduate, that would be groovy.) Click here for more information.


“Girls gone Wilder,” Kellee of Outspoken & Freckled and Aurora of Once Upon a Screen, are beside themselves with excitement to announce The Billy Wilder Blogathon.  This will be a one-day event to celebrate this master’s work on what would have been the 108th anniversary of his birth on June 22. You are invited to join the celebration.

Entries for this event can be anything Wilder related – commentaries on his films or television work, created by his pen or from his place behind the camera. Click here for all the details…

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

CMBA Blogathon: Fabulous Films of the 50s

The CMBA is proud to host blogathons twice a year for our members and it's time for our summer event: Fabulous Films of the '50s, May 22-26th.

The list of participants:

May 22nd
Karen at Shadows and Satin The Big Combo
Rick at Classic Film & TV Cafe My Cousin Rachel
Sylvia at Film Fanatic The Fabulous World of Jules Verne
Kevin at Classic Film Freak Ivanhoe
Constance at Silver Scenes Picnic
Ginny at Old Movie Nostalgia Some Like It Hot
Flick Chick at A Person In the Dark Sunset Blvd
Jacqueline at Another Old Movie Blog Our Very Own

May 23rd 
Kim at 1001 Movie You Need To See Before You Die The Asphalt Jungle 
Grand Old Movies  Attack of the 50-Foot Woman
Jim at Jim Lane's Cinedrome Come Next Spring
Aurora at Once Upon A Screen The Blob
Emily at  The Vintage CameoThe Long, Long Trailer and Forever Darling
Vanessa at StardustSingin In the Rain
Beth D. at Mildred's Fatburgers Seven Samauri

May 24th
Brian at  Beyond the Time Barrier Fabulous Faceless Foes of Fifties Sci-Fi, Pt.2
Ivan at Thrilling Days of Yesteryear Johnny Guitar
Dorian at Tales of the Easily Distracted The Man Who Knew Too Much
Jennifer at Virtual Virago Forbidden Planet
John at Twenty Four Frames Bigger Than Life
Aubyn at The Girl With The White Parasol Odds Against Tomorrow
Kristina at Speakeasy The Quatermass Xperiment

May 25th
Caftan Woman at Caftan Woman Champagne For Caesar
Patty at Lady Eve's Reel Life The Pajama Game
Allen at Bit Part Actors Last Holiday
Kimberly at Glam Amor The costume designs of Gentlemen Prefer Blondes
Christian at Silver Screen Modes Carousel
Ruth at Silver Screenings The Admiral Was A Lady
David at A Trip Down Memory Lane Limelight
Cliff at Immoral Iphemera Lust For Life

May 26th
Page at My Love of Old Hollywood Sunset Blvd
Beth Ann at  Spellbound By Movies  It Should Happen To You
Jeff at  The Stalking Moon  The Big Country
Kevin at Kevin's Classic Movie Corner Devil's Doorway
David at The Man on the Flying Trapeze Love Me Or Leave Me
Metzinger Sisters at Silver Scenes  Giant
Kristen at Journey's in Classic Film Roman Holiday
Annmarie at Classic Movie Hub Blog A Hole In the Head
Cameron at The Blonde at the Film  Million Dollar Mermaid
Lara at Backlots Auntie Mame

Wednesday, 23 April 2014


At the end of this month, CMBA members will once again vote on potential new member blogs. An email will be sent to all current members early next week that will include links to the blogs under consideration, a brief background on each and a link to the ballot. The window for members to cast votes is one week.

The board recently voted (as it did last year) to increase the maximum number of blogs to be admitted this year from twelve to twenty. Eight blogs will be on the upcoming ballot. The next vote will take place in July.

Sunday, 6 April 2014

It's Almost Time For A CMBA Blogathon!

The CMBA Blogathon: Fabulous Films of the 50s 

CMBA members will be taking a look back at some of the most memorable, interesting films of the decade.  The event will run from May 22nd - May 26th and we do hope you'll join us.

If you haven't yet signed on for the Blogathon and you would like more details email  with CMBA Blogathon in the title by April 20th.

We hope you'll add the banner to promote the event and stay tuned for the full list of participants.

Friday, 28 March 2014

Coming in May: A One Day Blogathon Celebrating Tyrone Power's 100th Birthday

He rose to movie stardom at the ripe young age of 22 and reigned as an international star for another 22 years, until his sudden death in 1958. During those two-plus decades, Tyrone Power was top-billed in hit films of many genres, from romantic comedy to disaster epic, musical, costume drama, western, adventure, wartime drama, swashbuckler, prestige literary adaptation, biopic, courtroom drama and even film noir. He also managed to serve as a pilot in the Marine Corps during World War II and carve out a stage career for himself after the war. His wedding to his second wife, Linda Christian, in Rome, caused a near-riot. When he collapsed and died, at age 44, while filming a biblical epic in Spain, it was headline news around the world. His private funeral in Hollywood was attended by filmdom's great luminaries and his burial was a mob scene of frenzied fans.

Monday, May 5th marks the 100th anniversary Tyrone Power’s birth, and Patti of They Don’t Make ‘Em Like They Used To and Patty of Lady Eve's Reel Life will host a blogathon in celebration of his life and career. Power-Mad is a one-day-only event.

Participants are invited to review the actor’s films (one blogger per film, please), post a photo spread or a biographical essay (you might cover his life in general or strictly his movie career, his military service during World War II or his post-war stage career, or...) – basically, feel free to get creative.

If you'd like to participate please send an email to Patty at or Patti at and include your name, your blog's name and web address, and the title/subject of your post.

Friday, 14 March 2014

Coming in April: The James Stewart Blogathon

The Classic Film & TV Café will host the James Stewart Blogathon on April 14-17. Any blogger may participate, providing that he or she complies with the Café's family-friendly blogathon guidelines.

Each film can only be reviewed by one blogger. All posts will appear on the blogger's web site. Individuals are responsible for the content of their blog posts, to include the use of any photographs, video clips, etc. A master schedule of all blogathon posts will appear on the Café web site. The number of participating bloggers will be limited to 32 and posting dates will be assigned to participants.

If you're interested in participating, please send an e-mail to: Be sure your e-mail includes your name, blog's name and web address, and the title of your post. Rick will send out additional information to all blogathon participants, to include a link to the final schedule.

The cut-off date for accepting blogathon entries will be Saturday, April 5th.

Click here for more information.

Bell, Book and Candle (1958)

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Who's the Greatest Villain of Them All?

Join the Great Villain Blogathon, April 20 - 26

You are cordially invited to participate in the Great Villain Blogathon, a celebration, an examination, a rumination on your choice of classic movie menace. Whether human, fantastical, alien, mineral or animal, whether horseback or spaceship, clad in a toga, trench coat or cardigan, whether mantrap, mild mannered or commanding vast armies, write up a post on your favorite movie baddie, doer of dastardly deeds or offender of moral order.

Your co-hosts in this exploration of villainy are...

If you wish to take part, please leave a comment on any of the host blogs or send an email, and prepare to share who you think is filmdom's worst.

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Sleuthaton, A Classic Detective Blogathon

Mysteries! One of the most popular motion picture genres and one of the most versatile. Here is your chance to celebrate the many faces of the classic movie mystery. Join CMBA member blog Movies Silently at the "Sleuthathon," where the classic detectives of pre-1965 cinema and television will have their day in the sun.

The event is open to CMBA members and non-members alike and will be held on March 16-17, 2014. Click here, for details. 


Friday, 31 January 2014

31 Days of Oscar 2014 Blogathon

Starting on February 1st a mammoth blogathon event to coincide with Turner Classic Movies (TCM) annual 31 Days of Oscar celebration is being hosted by CMBA member blogs Citizen Screen and Outspoken and Freckled along with Paula’s Cinema Club.

Share stories about the films and players that made an impact throughout Oscar’s distinguished history. Talk about the films, actors or directors that deserved an Oscar nod and were ignored or about films that inspire you with their music or lighting. The world’s your golden oyster, so, the envelope please…

Here are the topics by week: 

Week 1 – the weekend of Feb. 1 2: Oscar Snubs! Let’s let the venting kick things off! 
Week 2 – the weekend of Feb. 8 – 9: Music, Costumes, Cinematography, Writing, etc. You name it, it’s in! 
Week 3 – the weekend of Feb. 15 – 16: Actors! Lead and supporting take center stage! 
Week 4 – the weekend of Feb. 22 – 23: The Directors! 
Week 5 – the weekend of Feb. 28 – Mar. 1: The Movies! 

The three blogs are taking turns hosting, but participants can submit topics either by leaving comments on any one of the blogs - or via twitter or by email. Please include the following: 

  • Title and link to your blog
  • Contact information
  • Topic 

For more information contact: Aurora (@CitizenScreen) of Once Upon a Screen, Kellee (@IrishJayHawk66) of Outspoken and Freckled, or Paula (@Paula Guthat) of Paula's Cinema Club.

Sunday, 19 January 2014


This month CMBA members will vote on potential new member blogs. An email will soon be sent to all current members that will include links to the blogs under consideration, a brief background on each of the blogs and a link to the ballot. The window for members to cast votes is one week.

Twelve blogs will be on the ballot. Since CMBA admits a maximum of twelve new member blogs per year, no more applications for membership are being accepted for this voting period. In the event that all blogs under consideration are not voted in (70% "yes" votes are required), the next new member election will be held in April.