Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Who's the Greatest Villain of Them All?

Join the Great Villain Blogathon, April 20 - 26

You are cordially invited to participate in the Great Villain Blogathon, a celebration, an examination, a rumination on your choice of classic movie menace. Whether human, fantastical, alien, mineral or animal, whether horseback or spaceship, clad in a toga, trench coat or cardigan, whether mantrap, mild mannered or commanding vast armies, write up a post on your favorite movie baddie, doer of dastardly deeds or offender of moral order.

Your co-hosts in this exploration of villainy are...

If you wish to take part, please leave a comment on any of the host blogs or send an email, and prepare to share who you think is filmdom's worst.

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Sleuthaton, A Classic Detective Blogathon

Mysteries! One of the most popular motion picture genres and one of the most versatile. Here is your chance to celebrate the many faces of the classic movie mystery. Join CMBA member blog Movies Silently at the "Sleuthathon," where the classic detectives of pre-1965 cinema and television will have their day in the sun.

The event is open to CMBA members and non-members alike and will be held on March 16-17, 2014. Click here, for details.