Friday, 24 April 2015

CMBA Spring Blogathon: The Fabulous Films of the 30s!

The Classic Movie Blog Association is proud to present The Fabulous Films of the 30s, running from April 27th to May 1st. Please tune into the blogs below on the dates listed to get the lowdown on many of the greatest movies of one of classic Hollywood's most glamorous decades!

April 27th

    April 28th

      April 29th

        April 30th

          May 1st
          Thanks to all our participants for joining in! And if you want to jump the gun on reading some of the entries, we're proud to present The Fabulous Films of the 30s in eBook form, containing 19 of the above essays and available now! 

          Here's what's inside: 
          It's available for free at Smashwords and for $0.99 at Amazon! All proceeds are donated to film preservation.