Friday, 20 May 2011

Forgotten Classics of Yesteryear hosting a Roger Corman Blogathon on June 17-19

Today, Forgotten Classics of Yesteryear announced its very first blogathon. The topic is none other than the king of B-movies himself, Roger Corman!

Recipient of an Honorary Academy Award for his work, Roger Corman has been a tireless producer and director of films for over 50 years! Known for directing exploitation and B-movies, Corman pioneered techniques of shooting on a shoe-string budget and completing films in record times (his film Little Shop of Horrors was completely filmed over two days and one night). His most famous films were a cycle of films that he made with Vincent Price based on the works of Edgar Allen Poe in the early 60s, including the cult classic The Masque of the Red Death.

But more important than his own films was his role as teacher in the lives of many of the greatest filmmakers who ever worked in Hollywood. His students and apprentices include Francis Ford Coppola, Martin Scorsese, Jonathan Demme, Nicolas Roeg, Ron Howard, and James Cameron. He would also go on to produce many of their very first films, giving them a foot in the industry to become some of the most influential directors who ever lived.

So this blogathon, lasting from June 17-19, will be a celebration of the man who transformed Hollywood with the power of highly stylized B-movies.

Although Forgotten Classics of Yesteryear is a CMBA member, this is not a CMBA-sponsored blogathon. Anyone can participate. Being a CMBA member is not a prerequisite for entry.

Forgotten Classics of Yesteryear will give out four awards:

1) First Place Prize for Best Review/Article
2) Second Place Prize for Best Review/Article
3) Third Place Prize for Best Review/Article
4) Blogger's Choice Award for Best Article

The first three awards will be handed out by the blog's editor, Nathanael Hood, based on the inherent quality of the submitted articles. The fourth award will be decided based on votes from the participant bloggers. Each participating blogger will get one vote to be cast at the conclusion of the blogathon once every article has been posted. The articles and/or reviews can be in any form, be of any length, and be on any topic as long as it pertains to Roger Corman, his work, or work that he influenced.

Please note that Nathanael is only allowing one person to write for each film directed by Corman. Please contact him at or to claim your film. Films will be assigned based on a strict first-come, first serve basis. So hurry up and claim your film fast before they're all gone! For updates, please check out Forgotten Classics of Yesteryear.

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

"The End" (Jim Morrison, The Doors)

What a resounding success the CMBA Movies of 1939 Blogathon has been!  Page and I are both really amazed at the incredible quality of every contribution.  It is clear that the CMBA bloggers really put their all into their articles.  There was a great amount of reading and commenting to do, and it was well worth it.  Part of the blogathon's success is the choices of lesser known movies, all of which are going on the list of must-see films. Those who did the well-known greats did so in their own unique styles, discussing those films by spotlighting aspects rarely discussed.  Many thanks to everybody.  The CMBA is lucky to have so many classic film lovers who are not only educated in the field, but are such good writers too.  Congratulations!