Wednesday 18 May 2011

"The End" (Jim Morrison, The Doors)

What a resounding success the CMBA Movies of 1939 Blogathon has been!  Page and I are both really amazed at the incredible quality of every contribution.  It is clear that the CMBA bloggers really put their all into their articles.  There was a great amount of reading and commenting to do, and it was well worth it.  Part of the blogathon's success is the choices of lesser known movies, all of which are going on the list of must-see films. Those who did the well-known greats did so in their own unique styles, discussing those films by spotlighting aspects rarely discussed.  Many thanks to everybody.  The CMBA is lucky to have so many classic film lovers who are not only educated in the field, but are such good writers too.  Congratulations!

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