Sunday 13 January 2013

John Garfield Blogathon

In honor of the March 4th 100th birthday of the incredibly talented John Garfield, They Don’t Make ‘Em Like They Used To will host a blogathon.

Anyone may participate. Whether you want to write about one of John Garfield's films, his stage career, his "method" acting, his Hollywood blacklisting, or any other facet of his too-short life, you are invited to join in the 100th birthday celebration.

The blogathon will take place that entire weekend---Friday to Monday, March 1st through March 4th. More details will be forthcoming, as will directions for posting your article(s) to the blogathon.  For now, though, just let Patti know if you intend to be part of the fun and what aspect of Mr. Garfield's career or life you'd like to write about.  You can leave a comment on this post or email Patti at

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